Tuesday 21 October 2014

Storyworld Building Plan

I've been thinking about my Creative Research. In regards to scope, I should aim to make a guide for a story world based on a comic concept I made for last year's Graphic Design project.  I want to make this a project focused on story world building as well as character design. Therefore I'll need to produce some visuals to allow others to understand what my story world is about.

One other thing that I can do is look at examples of existing story worlds.

Based on this article, I found about the rules of story worlds, I should consider :

  • Locations
  • Stories
  • Characters
  • Themes
  • Overview
  • Visualisation
I also found this article about areas to avoid during the creation process.
In the book "The Kobold guide to Worldbuilding" ,there is an essay called "How to Write a World bible (Or how to keep it all straight) by Scott Hungerford(2012). In it, he discusses the layout for a Storyworld Bible. He says that the bible is split into three sections, one for the world, the characters which inhabit it and the appendices.

In the World section ,the things that should be covered are:
  • The name of the world
  • An introduction to the world
  • The races and cultures
  • The technology and communication.
  • The currency and economy system . i.e what is a coin called?
The Character section should have:
  • Summary of characters-key rulers
  • The beasts and Antagonists of the world
The Appendices section should contain:
  • Timeline of the world's history.
  • Key events 
  • The world map featuring borders and land marks
  • Glossary of terms,names,places,creatures,vehicles
  • List of terms that people need to know
My aim for this is to simplify my idea and provide certain visual elements to get my concept across.

For the character section, I'll have an image featuring the characters with summaries beneath them. As there are three factions, I'll need three pages each containing the images of characters from that faction and a summary beneath them.


Hungerford, S. (2012). How to write a World Bible. In: J. Silverstein, ed., The Kobold Guide to Worldbuilding, 1st ed. Kirkland: Wolfgang Baur, pp.105-109.

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