Tuesday 18 November 2014

Iterations for Visual Statement

Here are a series of different approaches that I can make to my visual statement.

The following are several things that I want to always mention in these statements.

  1. It's a Character Design Portfolio
  2. The characters express the themes of Order and Chaos
  3. I want to provide some story context enough information to inform the reader of whereabouts this takes place and when..
Iterations of Visual Statement
  1. A portfolio of characters presented in a structure which provides story context and expressed the Order vs Chaos trope.
  2. A collection of Character Design which express the themes of order and chaos and is presented in the form of a Visual Guide.
  3. An anthology of Believable and distinctive Characters which  convey the themes of order and chaos.
  4. A guide which features believable characters which express the themes of order and chaos and provides story context in a visual format.
  5. A Character Design portfolio which expresses the themes of Order and Chaos and provides visuals which establishes the story context.
  6. A portfolio of believable characters which provides story context and expresses the themes of Order and Chaos.

The runners up were:

6.  A portfolio of believable characters which provides story context and expresses the themes of Order and Chaos.
1.  A portfolio of characters presented in a structure which provides story context and expressed the Order vs Chaos trope.

Final Iteration

A portfolio featuring characters which fit within in a story context that expresses themes of order and chaos.

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