Thursday 6 November 2014

Vision Statement Initial Development

Project Aim

I'm wanting to carryout a character design project based off a controlling idea and presenting my work in the form of a Story world bible.

I will use the story world bible to tell in summary the world in which characters inhabit and share some details about which factions they belong.
However I need to ensure that this is more focused on the character design side than the story world side. I'm using story world building as a way to give my characters context.

A character design project informed by story context to create authentic and believable characters.

I spoke with my lecturer Brian, and he suggested that I consider looking at a controlling idea to help with structuring my visual statement.

Controlled idea

Even in a futuristic world enriched with order,chaos will always be present.

Why am I making this?

Based off my experience in reading manga and stories which feature certain themes like Lying and Madness, I've always had some fascination of seeing such themes being told in different ways. I even noticed in shows that character reflect these themes some form or another. I've always wanted to create some world filled with compelling characters and follows an interesting story with certain twists and turns. The story world building elements will help me gain a better understand of how I can create new worlds as well as introduce me to know issues that I would need to address, Furthermore having this knowledge will help me reinforce my creativity for when it comes to character design.

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