Week 1- Creative Research Brief
I had my first lecture about Creative Research. Here is the brief for it.
Brief Description
The aim of this module is to provide the students with the ability to undertake a research project driven by the student’s choice of subject specialisation.
This coursework is designed to develop student research practice through exploration of research methods and methodologies (processes) across digital media sectors. Student will identify and propose an area of specialisation within which they will present sustained research activity. The student will demonstrate contextual awareness, subject specialist knowledge and critical ability in their exploration of a digital media research project. Students will be required to select research practices appropriate to the proposed project. Communication and dissemination through exposition is an integral part of the project.
Brief Description
The aim of this module is to provide the students with the ability to undertake a research project driven by the student’s choice of subject specialisation.
This coursework is designed to develop student research practice through exploration of research methods and methodologies (processes) across digital media sectors. Student will identify and propose an area of specialisation within which they will present sustained research activity. The student will demonstrate contextual awareness, subject specialist knowledge and critical ability in their exploration of a digital media research project. Students will be required to select research practices appropriate to the proposed project. Communication and dissemination through exposition is an integral part of the project.
Semester 1 Overview The student will choose an area of enquiry that inspires and motivates them. The nature and level of enquiry is expected to evolve throughout the course of the academic year in response to critical self-reflection as well as staff and peer feedback.
Semester one emphasises the need for strong process and its correlation to high quality fully realised project outcomes. By the end of semester one the student will be able to discuss the position and direction of enquiry and formulate a clear vision statement. This will be based on the emergent logic of the students own practice. A large body of work must be developed reflecting extensive practice based enquiry and/or mode of study appropriate to the discipline. The construction, deconstruction and critique of material are required throughout the semester in order to create a well-founded project.
The work should inform and develop the students practice. The student will develop knowledge of the context in which their work sits and use this to inform their work and practice.
The chosen subject matter should engage with high level ideas and themes. The questions raised through enquiry should demonstrate a critical awareness of complex and contradictory issues or arguments in the field of study. The work should reflect the students’ position and arguments in relation to these contextual views.
Communicate your ideas using developmental work (eg Annotated sketchbooks with visual research or production documentation) collated during your investigation to demonstrate your understanding of:
1. The chosen area of exploration
2. The ideas you are expressing or challenging
3. Outline area(s) of appropriate contextual research
4. Examples of appropriate practice based process
Presentation 1 Present a summary overview of the area of enquiry. What is the research area and mode of practice. What questions, problems or challenges do these present? Discuss ways in which you might develop a research project that allows you to address these.
(Hint: Think about the level of enquiry, what inspires you and why.)
Feedback week 7 (semester1) You should have a clear vision statement and prepared material to illustrate your designs for the project. You may have interim completed images and documentation at this stage but you are expected to have developed your ideas through a range of media tests and concept sketches.
Presentation 2 Discuss your vision statement for your project (aim of your project). This should be a clear and concise phrase that summarises the contextual framing of the project and explains what you are creating and why.
Demonstrate a critical awareness of your methods and process methodology. At this stage your justification shall be supported by an extensive and well documented portfolio of visual and written material.
Blog Note: You will maintain an on-line journal in the form of a blog throughout the module in order to reflect consistent and in depth engagement with the project. At the end of semester one the blog should reflect the large body of work which you have distilled into your presentation. This will be used as supporting evidence to your conference style talk.
Semester 2 Overview The nature and level of enquiry is expected to evolve throughout the course of the academic year in response to critical self reflection as well as staff and peer feedback.
A large body of work must be developed reflecting extensive enquiry. The work should inform and develop the students practice in relation to supporting theory. The student will further develop their contextual awareness. The work should reflect the students’ developing position and arguments in relation to the context within which the work sits.
The students’ will defend their work through visual and written language appropriate to the chosen field. The student will be able to discuss the position and direction of enquiry that responds to their vision statement. This will continue to develop based on the emergent logic of the students own practice. The construction, deconstruction and critique of material are required throughout the semester in order to develop a well-founded project.
The work will demonstrate evocative, expressive and professional response(s) to the high level ideas and themes addressed by the project. The response to questions raised through enquiry should demonstrate a critical awareness of complex and contradictory issues or arguments in the field of study. The student will develop and discuss a range of conclusions in visual and written form.
The final design solution should be intellectually challenging and/or provocative demonstrating the student practitioners own style and voice.
Demonstrate the convergence of selections in the development process. Use appropriate materials to illustrate the development of design ideas. By this stage you should have mapped out your processes and focus on creating design solutions. These should demonstrate coherence and focus that benefit from semester one formative feedback and represent a substantial development in the project from semester one.
Using development materials and blog communicate the development of design ideas for the project. You should be converging on completed design solutions at this stage. You are expected to have developed the range of ideas, experimental work and concept material available for a critique discussion. These should demonstrate coherence and focus that benefit from formative feedback and represent a substantial development in the project. You should be able to present some initial conclusions for discussion.
Feedback week 7 (semester2) You should be converging on completed design solutions at this stage. You are expected to have developed the range of ideas, experimental work and concept material. These should demonstrate coherence and focus that benefit from formative feedback and represent a substantial development in the project. You should be making some initial conclusions.
Presentation 3 Discuss the design solution in its most advanced stage. Defend the work in reference to the vision statement and arguments developed in the essay.
Submissions Deadlines, Formats & Weighting
Research Portfolio (Design solution) (40% weighting):
A portfolio of final practice based outcomes must be submitted. Depending on the project methodology (process) you may have a number of works (eg media tests) at interim points throughout the year). Final work will vary dependant on your discipline, but may be in the form of film, level designs, game design and production documentation, proof of concept, character animations, interactive media etc. This work will be fully resolved, polished to professional exposition standards.
Format: Submit the portfolio in one compiled zip file. Ensure that content can be viewed on University computers. Real-time work should be submitted in an accessible format. All work should be viewed capable of being viewed on University computers.
Submission Deadline: by 4pm Friday 25th April 2015
Research Exposition (Total weighting 60% comprised of the following):
Exposition provides additional explanation as to the rationale behind the practice based work. Through the presentations, blog and essay you will give insight into the thoughts and processes behind your work and provide evidence of iterative development of the practice based portfolio.
· Presentations
You will make three formal presentations of your work through the year (Ensure you know when you are presenting. Check your times in the timetable on blackboard).
Format: This will be a Pecha Kucha style presentation to staff and peers
Submit the presentation slides to blackboard before Monday 22nd September 2014
· Presentation 2
Format: This will be a formal conference style presentation to staff and peers. 5 Minute presentation 2 minute Question & Answers
Submit the presentation slides to blackboard before Monday 24th November 2014
· Presentation 3
Format: This will be a formal conference style presentation to staff and peers. 5 Minute presentation 2 minute Question & Answers
Submit the presentation slides to blackboard before Monday 13th April 2015
•&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ;&νβσπ; Blog
You will create a blog dedicated to your work for AG0982A Creative Research.. Maintain a blog for the duration of the module. The blog reflects engagement with process and will develop throughout the project.
The blog should demonstrate the methods and processes used to develop the project. Regular posts of visual experimentation and idea generation should be posted. The blog should provide evidence of exploration of questions and ideas. Visual experimentation, interim iterations of work such as media tests must be accessible via the blog. Contextualising reference material must be posted.
The written material will demonstrate your engagement with writing as a research method. This should be in a variety of forms such as diary entries, journal entries, notes of critique, reviews and short essays. Formal critical language and terminology should be used.
Evidence of selection and application of a variety of methods must be posted.
Adopt formal critique and language to enhance the authority of your written work.
To submit a blog for assessment type in your name, blog URL and attach a blog PDF, or state that it is a BlackBoard blog and hit submit.
Final Submission Deadline: by 4pm Friday 25th April 2015
· Essay
A formal written piece of work in which you will discuss a well formulated artistic vision with supporting arguments. This should express a clear philosophical creative exploration of high level issues and questions. Suggested word count (1200-1500words)
Format: You will submit an electronic copy of the essay, which is word-processed using a main body font size of between 10 and 12 pt with appropriate margins. Ensure your essay has been carefully checked for spelling and grammar. All reference material must be properly cited in accordance with the Harvard style. Please note that the electronic copies will be scanned electronically so please ensure you reference your work correctly to avoid any plagiarism issues.
Final Submission Deadline: by 4pm Friday 25th April 2015
Attendance and Participation
Attendance and participation in the presentation sessions are compulsory and non-attendance without a valid reason will be viewed seriously. If you have a valid reason and are unable to attend, you must get approval both from your program and year tutor and fill in an Absence Certification Form (from the School office). Normally, you will be expected to ask for an exemption before the presentation date.
Each student should submit digital copies of the written elements of the project to Blackboard. These should be word-processed using a main body font size of between 10 and 12 pt with appropriate margins. Please ensure all third party information within reports is referenced appropriately to avoid issues with academic deceit. Please see the library guide to report writing for full details of how to format your work.
All work submitted must be clearly labelled. Name, student identification number, module number and title, and module deliverer must be displayed clearly on all pieces of work.
Submissions should be posted to Blackboard no later than 4pm on the due date. Refer to the AMG Student Handbook for further details.
Week 2- Project Thoughts
For my Creative Research Project, I am aiming to continue on with this comic concept I made for a graphic design project when I studied at Carnegie College, Dunfermline.
My concept is about a band of mercenaries lead by John Orion, who are trying to make a living in a world where two major superpowers are fighting each other. The mercenaries themselves are independent but are careful when choosing their clients. Even if they acknowledge how corrupt their clients are, they always find a way to double cross them. One other aspect to mention was that this concept takes place on Earth-like world in regards to atmosphere and environment. The inhabitants are anthropomorphic, i.e. they are animals that have human characteristics.
I feel that this project would be an ideal opportunity for me to work on multiple character designs that I have not yet made for the concept.
When I came up with this concept, I took inspiration from a vast range of sources. It started with webcomics that featured anthropomorphic characters. Animation for different styles has been a major inspiration in regards to ideas and style. As a gamer, I have looked at many games which have rich lore. As a result,these are a great place for inspiration.
I feel that character design is a strong specialty for me and it will come in handy in future. Although some character sheets are out of date I'd like to take this opportunity to improve my art style and adjust the way I draw anthropomorphic characters.
Although I am aware that there are anthropomorphic featured in animations ,games and even comics,sometimes these are aimed at kids. However I plan to have my project aimed at an older audience. There have been examples of anthropomorphic concepts which have been targeted at older audience. Blacksad (2000) and Grandville(2009) are examples of these.
I originally intended for my concept to be represented in the form of a comic. I've had experience with drawing webcomics but I've learned that it can take a long time to complete a 20 page comic, so I've changed my project overview. I've changed it to a story world bible and intend to add some foundation to my concept by introducing new characters, environments, vehicles and weapons.
I also wanted to use visual aids to show people who thee characters are and which faction they are associated with. So for that I intend to make a series of illustrations for characters, weapons ,vehicles and environments if I have time.