Monday 20 April 2015

Final Project Outputs

I have chosen the outputs for my project.
I plan to output each of the character's development and final character bios. For the timelines and world, I'll be showing my development and the final outcome for each.

Dave Gresley Development 

Isaac Development

John Development

Laura Development

Zaff Development

Central Alliance Mercenary Moodboards

Central Alliance Mercenary Colour Iterations

Central Alliance Mercenary Group Development

Central Alliance Mercenary Illustration Development

Dismali Empire Final Deliverables

Dismali Empire Colour Iterations

Dismali Empire Moodboards

Empress Development

Oliver Development

Tiffany Development

Violet Development

Tundra Republic Deliverables

Cassandra Development

Sam Development

Tundran Republic Colour Iterations

Tundran Republic Illustration Development

Tundran Republic Moodboards

Ursula Development

Cassandra's Battlesuit Development

Tundran Republic and Dismali Empire Character Silhouette

Central Alliance Silhouettes

Character Roster Colour Schemes

Character Roster Gender Balance Diagram

Faction Descriptions

Timeline Development

Timeline and History Beats

Art Style Influences

Timeline Land Ownership Visuals

World Map

World Map with Colour Code

Timeline Design

World Map Development

World map with and without colours for factions

Final Character Bios

David Gresley

Isaac Landtitan

John Polaris

Laura Bovine

Zaff and GMN1

The Empress

Oliver Roundkampf

Tiffany De Vidtierras

Violet De Vidtierras

Cassandra O'pier

Samuel Prorok

Ursula Dimitriv

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