Sunday 12 April 2015

Mercenaries Concept Development: Dave

For Dave ,I decided that he should be a character who specializes in melee combat. He's swift,agile but he has a cocky personality. Like John is based on Orion, Dave is inspired by Cygnus.

Additional Sketches

Dave Head and pose sketches

Futuristic Sword Moodboard

Futuristic Sword Sketches and Iterations

Final Inked Sword Design
Dave sketch

Dave Line Artwork

Dave Battlesuit Colour Iterations

Final Colour scheme

However this may undergo a few changes as I see it as a bit too colourful.

Improved Dave Sketch

Dave's body suit sketch

When I sketched the model out I looked at a few references for the pose I wanted.
Here is Dave with his armour off. I designed the suit that he is wearing to be inspired by existing science fiction jump suits but to  connect with the idea of constellations. I arranged the sockets on his suit in the shape of the constellation, Cignis, which he represents.

 Pilot Suit Line Artwork
Pilot Suit Coloured

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