Sunday 19 April 2015

Tundran Republic: Sam Development

I decided that this faction should have some leader who deserves his position. That's why I chose to make him cybernetic because:
  •  It helps emphasis what he has gone through.
  • It helps make him fit more in the futuristic setting.
  • It shows that this faction is more accepting of diversity and progress.

I also wanted this character to have had one a positive Back story but as he became more battle worn the less he became as a person.

Early sketches I made depicted Sam as a younger figure but for him to be the leader of an entire nation's military in his mid 20s was a bit much. So I decided to age him.
Another thing I was wanting to do was make him blind but with quick ninja like reflects. Again, I've had some consideration about this and decided that he was blind but with new glasses, he can see normally now.

Another thing I considered also was that as a leader's he doesn't look strong. However he's quite intelligent and swift.  

Samuel Lineart

Sam Colour Iterations

While I still intended red to be the overall colour and triangle shapes. I wanted to use blue to suggest his sophistication but cold mind. I reduced the saturation of the character to suggest his age.

Here was the first colored iteration but it was too saturated and it didn't reflect the character's age.

Final Colour Scheme

Samuel with Coloured Lines

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