Saturday, 11 April 2015

World Map Development


Story world Map Research

For my story world bible, I wanted to have my concept based on a world which has similar geographical details to Earth. However I wanted it to have different forms of continents and countries. I aimed to produce a map that looks like the surface of earth. So to do this, I  looked at existing maps of the earth from space. I will also look at fictional world maps for ideas. From there, I produced a series of iterations for how the world should look. Afterwards, I established where the three major factions will originate.

World Map Moodboard

As my concept takes place in a futuristic environment,I want to look at approaches that I can make to help the viewer understand where the illustration takes place. I particularly like the world map example in Sega's "Shadow the Hedgehog" where the military in that game used a similar approach to real world military maps.

If I am going to make my world have similar geology to earth, then I will need to consider equatorial and tropical climates. 

Some story worlds in games such as Warcraft do not behave in the same way as the earth. For example ,there is a Tundran area called Dun Morogh which is located near the worlds equator. It would be argued that it is because it is at a high altitude that it remains snowy.

If I run out of time for producing a world map and all I've done so far is worked on the illustrations, I could include a map of the world in the background to show that this is where the story takes place.
However if I work ahead, I may not need to take that approach.
One idea for this solution was to produce a holographic projection of the world map. To allow it to be holographic will enable it to fit into the futuristic setting.

Many iterations feature a spherical form of the earth whereas other iterations take a plane form similar to traditional maps but with the addition of futuristic elements to it.

Here I've made some rough iterations to how my world could look.

The different coloured sections of the image represent the individual nations that inhabit the world.

A simple real world geology test to see how it could look with earth's climate features.

How the world would look like on a military computer screen or table top screen.

Same diagram with the three factions highlighted.

I was thinking that a computerized interface of the portfolio would be ideal because it could help immerse the player into understanding more of this world and technology.


Faction Name Consideration

Because I still want to include the Republic's name as "Tundran Republic", I will need to alter the geology to the map to fit the description. Tundra is referred to a vast area where there are no trees according to thefreedictionary.

I could change the name from Tundran Republic to  to red ridge  or Crimson republic which would explain the choice of colour. However crimson has a C in it and I don't want there to be two factions starting with C.


To begin with, I want to keep the "Tundran Republic" as one of the names for my factions. But for it to be a meaningful name it will need to be placed correctly. I chose to place it at the bottom of the map for geographical balance. However in regards to its location calling it the Tundran republic when it is in a southern habitat. When I think of tundra I think of northern location affiliation.

SO I began making some changes to the map to fit the description.

Silhouette Iteration 1

Silhouette Iterations 2

Coloured World map

Final World Map with colour

Neutral World Map Layout

I felt it was important to include borders on the  individual nations of the world. The reason for this is because I wanted to show that the major factions are not all one country or continent.

Imperial Name Ideas

I used a kingdom generator to help with some suggestions.

  • Acaudan
  • Ethen
  • canem imperium
  • canem empire

Descol Empire - Play on of desolate and connects with its desolate history of being uninhabited.

Final World Map Layout

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