Sunday, 12 April 2015

Mercenaries Concept Development: Zaff

Zaff's is the mercenary who uses mind over matter and can use telekinesis. I looked at examples of characters which portrays this ability such as Jack from Mass Effect 2 (2009). I also looked at characters  who wear light armoured suits but I also looked at strong, tough characters. The character Zaff has a power suit that also houses  an A.I ( Artificial Intelligence) who helped raise him when his parents were absent.The A.I has a large knowledge on combat skills and it helped teach Zaff about many things.

Zaff Influences Moodboard

Zaff Silhouettes

Zaff Character Drawing Development Sketches

Getting the character's posture was a major challenge for me because  posture is one of the areas I need to improve on. Zaff was meant to be a character who can use telekinesis so for this I wanted to illustrate that fact. I accomplished this by using photo reference of myself making the hand gestures.

Final Character Line Artwork

Colour Iterations

Final Colour Scheme

I wanted Zaff to share the colour blue to show that he is connected with the Central Alliance and to show that he is also connect with mystery and the unexplained. I also used green to suggest reliability and self reliance. It also shows where his loyalty's lie since green connects with the idea of a balance and order. The use of gold connects with Zaff's wisdom of telekinetic abilities.

The loin cloth shall be removed because it has little to no use in this design.

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